Assisted Living

Leading with a cutting edged approach to the assisted living market, Kortman is forging a path utilizing pre-fab solutions in both our electrical and intelligent building systems service offerings.  We are a market leader in utilizing alternative construction methods to deliver cost effective high tech solutions in this market sector.

Realizing that our region is one that drives this alternative living solution for both the elderly and health challenged.  We find this work very rewarding culturally within our organization as we offer competitive solutions, with the latest technologies that help to support independence at the highest level for each tenant.

Contact Kortman Today!

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Commercial ● Industrial ● Residential

Ken Kortman CFMA Subcontractor Executive of the Year
Ken Kortman CFMA VOS Subcontractor Executive of the Year

We are thrilled to announce that our CEO, Ken Kortman, has been …


40th Anniversary - Thank You Event

Kortman's 40th year celebration continued with an event to thank our clients and vendors …


Mental Health Matters

The iconic construction site hardhat offers physical head protection but does nothing …


Beat the CEO Challenge

Our CEO Ken Kortman threw down the gauntlet and issued a fitness …